RIP Brochet
A3 Alcohol ink on paper
"Our first traumatic fishing experience.. As teenagers we captured a pike, our first pike, and once we hooked it, we didnt know what to do with this ferocious carnivore.
The fish was so wild, that we couldn't free him, so after a while we decided to kill him to end his sufferings.
We slammed the Pike against the wall of the bridge, but he wouldnt die...
After 25 min, it's skin was full of some sort of jelly, he was still moving.
In the end we builded a grave for this beautifull spike, in the river with some stones .
Antoine and me, we had a real bad conscience."
"We often came to this spot, and it happend regulary that this security women purchased us with her dog while screaming at us."

oil on wood